During installation, requirements acc. to EN 1610 as well as national regulations should be taken into account. Before being installed, all manhole components should be checked in terms of damage. In order to ensure a safe handling on the construction site, all manhole components are supplied with integrated stop elements.
Prevent settlements
According to EN 1610, manholes should thus be installed that settlements can be excluded as much as possible. When the construction ground is unaffected, the manholes can be placed on a compacted and flat sand-gravel bed. An additional granular subbase of lean concrete is recommended.
Measures for soils prone to settlements
With soils prone to settlements, a steel concrete floor plate must be provided according to the planner’s specification. The placement of the manhole always needs to take place on a flat surface.
The manhole component should be placed onto the support and aligned acc. to the planning specifications. To move manhole components, choose lifting equipment corresponding to the component’s weight. These weights are indicated on the delivery note as well as the component itself.
Rules for placing and covering
The placing of extension pieces and cover slabs should occur in such a manner that any form of damage is excluded. Before application, all joining elements mus be provided with KeraMat lubricant on both sides. In case of integrated climbing pieces, the order of the manhole steps should be borne in mind during installation.
Compensation and manhole frames are not included in the delivery and need to be installed on-site in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications in order to achieve the final height.
Manhole connections and connectors
Short pipe connectors are used to compensate settlements between, for instance, manholes and the pipeline. The flexibility of the pipe joints can incorporate any settlements.
The filling of the shafts surrounding the KeraPort manhole has to be carried out in layers, according to EN 1610/DWA-A-139. We recommend the use of the excavated soil for filling up the shafts. In the immediate manhole area, grain size should be limited to 40 mm. The compaction has to be carried out with the appropriate compaction tools.
Information about the functioning of flexible connections at different movement states can be found in our manual.