Steinzeug-Keramo supports construction of water pumps in Cambodia
Water is the basis of every form of life on earth and has played a central role in healthy living since time immemorial. Nevertheless, many regions of the world still have no access to clean drinking water. Usually, this can be attributed primarily to a lack of technical know-how and the infrastructure needed to retrieve water from the deeper layers underground.
This acute problem has also been recognized by "Stichting Twentse Waterpompen Cambodja" (STWC), a non-profit organization from the Netherlands. STWC has dedicated itself to improving the quality of life in developing countries by installing water pumps in Cambodia. STWC has built more than one hundred such pumps since its foundation in 2012 – a considerable number, especially given that STWC is financed purely by donations. At Steinzeug-Keramo, we also support STWC and in this way contribute to improving the quality of life of the people in Cambodia.
Once a year, STWC staff travel with their chairman Elzo de Haan to Cambodia to plan, implement and supervise the building projects with a local building contractor. Last year, they were able to build three new water pumps with Steinzeug-Keramo's support.
Thanks to the dedication of STWC and its helpers and financial sponsors, the organization has been able to guarantee the water supply in Cambodia for the long-term and to sustainably improve the quality of life of local people.