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Dear colleagues, For the final time this year we would like to inform you about current information from our Marketing department. Enjoy reading. |
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STATUS QUO As we already communicated via email (26.11.2019) the template for sending the digital Christmas cards is available at iComm.
NEXT STEPS Please send the mailing by yourself according to the instructions and keeping in mind the test mails. If you have any questions please contact us. |
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STATUS QUO The manual is currently being conceptually revised. |
NEXT STEPS The basic version of the new manual will be presented in the first quarter of 2020.
STATUS QUO A new basic presentation was created as well as a new Powerpoint template (16:9). The design is completely revised and the new digital font for presentations is no longer Arial but Univers Condensed. |
NEXT STEPS The basic presentation will be translated into other languages and will be available at the beginning of Q1 2020. The new ppt template will be available at the beginning of January 2020.
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STATUS QUO So far, we have received little input. We would like to point out once again the relevance of these contents for the presentation of our company to the outside world. The Checklist is available in the icomm: https://icomm.einstein.local/organisations/stg-de/service/Pages/Formulare-usw.aspx Please use this checklist as a guide and write a brief article that we can post for the most important construction sites. |
NEXT STEPS Please deliver two important construction site reports with pictures (or videos) as well as a description (Checklist) by the end of November. |
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STATUS QUO The chat has been successfully launched in the German market and is ready for use in all other countries. |
NEXT STEPS Please send feedback to marketing@steinzeug-keramo.com by 20 December if you would like to add chat to your language website. Please note e.g. that the NL website stands for both the Netherlands and Belgium and the chat agent must be competent for both. |
STATUS QUO At the moment the iComm language pages are not up to date. Please make sure that the most important information and documents are always up to date and uniformly available on the country pages. |
NEXT STEPS Those responsible for the Italian and Belgian pages should check the contents according to the international and German versions and make the necessary adjustments. |
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STATUS QUO IFAT takes place from 4-8 May 2020, and this time we will be represented in hall B2 booth 415 / 514. We are currently planning the booth design and program. |
NEXT STEPS We would like to ask our international sales colleagues to let us know if they plan to visit the IFAT with customers and, if so, one which day. Please send the information to marketing@steinzeug-keramo.com. Note that we will give you feedback after the complete planning about whether your desired day is feasible or if we recommend another day to avoid overcrowding the stand on one day. |
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Employee interviews |
STATUS QUO In order to better communicate our professions and working methods to external customers and new potential colleagues, we want to conduct written and filmed employee interviews. |
NEXT STEPS The shooting starts in December. If you would also like to be an interview partner, please contact the Marketing Department. |
Management information session |
STATUS QUO Twice a year, the management informs all executives about current topics, directions and goals. Last Tuesday (10.12) our second MIS event this year took place. All colleagues will receive detailed information on the contents from their respective department heads. Please talk to your team about the common goals and informative content. |
NEXT STEPS The next MIS event for all managers will take place on June 16, 2020. |
Please note: The headquarter will be closed between Christmas and New Year's Eve (24.12.2019 - 01.01.2020). The Marketing Department is on holiday between 23.12.2019 - 03.01.2020. We will be back again at the office from the 6th of January.
The next newsletter will be sent out next year. If you have questions regarding the topics above, we are happy to help. Please contact: marketing@steinzeug-keramo.com We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for the coming year. Your Corporate Marketing Department |